Rejoice with us at the dedication of the sixth new New Testament with which we have been involved this year. We are praising God for His hand of blessing, allowing us to help yet another people group have a reliable New Testament in their heart language. Immediately behind the speaker who is holding up the New Testament is the BI director who had the opportunity to attend the dedications of three New Testaments within the past three weeks: the Bualkhaw, the Zotung, and the Chakma. He is returning to Grand Rapids after a long, but satisfying trip to Asia.
Pray for us as we continue to look to the Lord for His provision for additional Scriptures that we believe will be ready for printing within the next 2 1/2 years. We are feeling the financial pinch as all other non-profit organizations are. If you would like to help us and national believers in many countries around the world, you may contact us online at: info@biblesint.org. A Bible for someone in another country can usually be purchased for the cost of $4.50. Maybe you and your family would like to purchase a Bible or New Testament for someone in another country. Or perhaps your family would like to purchase several Bibles as a family project.
Some of you may have noticed that I've not posted anything new on my blog recently. Someone hacked my personal e-mail account which also meant I had no further access to my blog. After hours of work, I've set up a new e-mail account and regained access to my blog. Thank you for your patience as I've been offline for some time.
If you are in the habit of contacting me through my Juno account, please delete that address from your address book and replace it with the following one: elaineas44 (at) gmail (dot) com.
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