Monday, December 15, 2014

A Recent Project

Each fall the senior housing building in which I live sponsors a bazaar in which residents sell projects they've made in order to help other residents who have run out of resources since moving into this facility. The picture above shows one of the baby afghans I made for the bazaar. 

The staircase in the background is beautiful, isn't it? It's just a part of the beauty of this building. God has been good to me to allow me to move here. He provided what was needed in order to allow this to happen and I praise Him for it.

Since donating this afghan, and another that was very similar, I've made one for a great-nephew who recently joined our family in Massachusetts. And I'm ready to begin another. I enjoy doing this in the evening, after a day in the office of Bibles International.

1 comment:

Susan said...

The afghan/blanket is beautiful and I bet it went for a lot! Yes, the staircase is gorgeous too. It reminds me of something on a cruise ship.