Friday, December 5, 2014

Give Thanks unto the Lord!

We've just celebrated Thanksgiving, but we ought to be thanking the Lord on a daily basis. Psalm 106:1 commands us: O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good.

I have several things for which I'm thanking Him.

I have a new great-nephew, born three weeks early on November 28. He joins his two older brothers who are almost 4 1/2 and almost 2 1/2. I would say his mother is going to be busy, wouldn't you agree? Pray for his mom and dad as they try to teach him in the ways of the Lord. 
This great-nephew brings the total number of great-nieces and/or great-nephews 
to 18. That's a passel, wouldn't you say?

I've recently passed the 18-month anniversary of the removal of my two, unrelated cancers. That event occurred on May 30, 2013, so November 30 was the 18-month anniversary. I visited my oncologist this week and learned that there is no sign of a return of the cancer. I'm grateful 
and am praising the Lord for that fact. Will you join me in thanking Him 
for what He has done?

1 comment:

Susan said...

Good news, good news! Praising God with you :)