Thursday, September 30, 2010



Dear Supporters and Friends,

The past months have been some of the busiest in my life. Thank you for those of you who have prayed faithfully for me throughout this time. Without your prayers and support, I could not continue this ministry.


  1. The staff had a wonderful time of blessing at our annual meeting in August at The Shack, a beautiful bed and breakfast north of Grand Rapids, where we gather each year. Pastor David Pennington from South Bend, Indiana, blessed us as he spoke on the theme, “Walk Worthy of the Lord.” Besides the blessings from the Word, the food and fellowship were also terrific, as is the setting. This is always one of the highlights of the year for me.
  2. For two weeks during the month of June, a couple from one of my supporting churches in Indiana came to work with me here at BI. What a blessing to have Cal and Bobbi Biddle from the First Baptist Church of Princeton, Indiana, working with us. Bobbi’s work was primarily in the stewardship department. Cal worked with me doing research for the history book I’ve been assigned to write. I was sorry to see them go. Thank the Lord, with me for their help while they were here. Since they are Cedarville grads from my class, it was fun reminiscing about many things that happened some forty years ago!
  3. Thank the Lord for a new volunteer who has begun coming into the office three days/week to help us. He is a recent retiree from Zondervan, understands publication, and is a blessing.


  1. As you know, the economy in the state of Michigan is in a deplorable condition. Because many of our donors are from Michigan, and because other parts of the US are also feeling the economic pinch, our donations are significantly less than they have been in past years. Please pray with us that the Lord will continue to supply our needs. We have always been dependent on Him; that is nothing new. Perhaps we’re more aware of this now than we have been in the past.
  2. Pray for our staff, many of whom travel frequently. They are often away from spouses and in less than ideal circumstances. In spite of this, the Lord has given safety in travels and good health for the most part.
  3. Pray that the Lord will continue to help me in my ministry. Because of current assignments and looming deadlines, I’m experiencing some stress. Pray that I’ll give the Lord my burdens, allowing Him to carry them for me. One of the major sources of stress is the approaching deadline for the history book I’ve been commissioned to write. I’m making progress, but am behind schedule.
  4. We have three Scriptures (one Bible and two New Testaments) that are in the formatting stage before going to the printer. Ask the Lord to help those involved in the formatting to see any errors and correct them before the manuscript goes to print. The Bible is in the Bengali script, which makes that work more complicated. People have spent countless hours on that Bible, and the work is still not completed.
  5. As of September 21, the Ladies’ Bible Study I lead has resumed meeting. We are studying three of the minor prophets this year and have some new members. Pray for me as I lead, and for all of us, that we’ll grow spiritually.

I am so grateful that you are a part of my team. God bless you for enabling me to have the rich privilege of working here at Bibles International. When we stand before the Lord, you will share equally in the rewards He gives to His children. Won’t that be a glorious day? And think of those who will join us at the throne because they read and understood the Gospel from one of the Scripture portions which BI helped to produce!

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