Friday, June 3, 2011

Monumental Event!

This week has seen a monumental event occur. I have finished the rewriting of the book. On Sunday I will pass the manuscript on to the editor, who goes to our church. From there on, as I understand it, everything is out of my hands. I believe I will have no further say in what happens, even though I would like to.

Now I begin the enormous task of cleaning up--my house is such a disaster I may never again be able to reclaim it; my desk at work is a disaster area, my email inbox has had over 3,100 emails in it, although I've been chipping away at it and now have it down to less than 2,500! So there is plenty to do to get these things back in order. And I'll begin to reclaim some of the responsibilities I passed on to others while doing the book. I can truly say that I've never had such a demanding task, in terms of mental and emotional pressure. Thanks to all of you who prayed me through those months.

During the winter months, our ladies' Bible study was held in the home of a couple from our church. He enjoys landscaping and flowers. On Sunday, they brought me pots and pots of flowers for my front stoop and for my deck. I'm enjoying them and haven't managed to kill them (the flowers) yet. I'm praying I'll be able to keep them flourishing.

God bless you in the coming week.

1 comment:

Susan said...

AWESOME!!! What a wonderful, freeing feeling that must be! Hopefully you can feel really relaxed now as you get back to 'real' life!! Congrats!