Friday, February 10, 2012

Favorite Pictures

I know you've seen the second of these pictures before, but I continue to think about these people who only recently received their New Testaments. Can you imagine what it would be like to hold God's Word in your language in your hand for the first time? Tim Whatley, Baptist Mid-Missions missionary who oversaw the Quechua translation project said at the dedication, "Did you know, beloved brethren, that God speaks in Quechua? Today, with the reading of His Word, you will hear Him."

How exciting to be a part of a mission that helps nationals translate the Word of God into their heart language! And to be able to do it in many places in the world, is even more exciting. I'm so grateful He has allowed me to be a part of this ministry since 1998. Rejoice with us that the Quechua people in Peru, now have a reliable New Testament from which to read, as do the Kabiye-speaking people in Togo, West Africa.

*First photo taken by BI Appointee, Carla Bieber
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