Sunday, April 14, 2013

News from Pfeiffer Woods Drive

Today has been unique, weather wise. Early this morning it rained; shortly after noon it snowed, and later this afternoon we've gotten a few glimpses of the sun. What interesting changes in one day!

I continue to feel increasingly settled into my new apartment. I wish you could visit and see the beautiful space the Lord has given me. When you think of it, thank the Lord with me that He has provided in such an unexpected way.

I have an important appointment this coming Wednesday afternoon for which I would appreciate your prayers. I'll be giving more details after the appointment. Until then, please ask the Lord to give peace and direction.

I have another prayer request. I'm trying to visit all my supporting churches and individuals this year, to thank them for standing with me through my (almost) thirty years of ministry. (Lord willing, and I make it to July, I will have completed thirty years.) Some have been with me only the last fifteen years, but I appreciate them too. Pray that I'll be able to visit each of them.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Praying. Thanks for keeping us up to date, and I agree -- your new place is awesome!