Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Snow Continues

I'm back after a long hiatus. Again, part of it is due to technical problems. But it's also due to the fact that it continues to snow everyday, so I'm not doing much besides going to work and then back home.

We have had snow all but two days out of the past 41. We've also had very little sunshine. Between these two things, winter has seemed very long.

I spoke to the area women's missionary group a week ago today. It went well, I think. Since I'm working on two projects, I showed them the manual I'm translating from French to English as one of my current projects. I told them that I've finished the rough draft of all 14 chapters. Now I'm working on the appendices, etc.

The other project I'm working on is the history of Bibles International (BI). I need your prayers on that project. I'm sure all I need is to get a good start, but I'm not sure how to do that. For that aspect of my work, I wrote a "guesstionnaire" about the history of BI. (I think I coined the word "guesstionnaire." To me it means that you fill out a questionnaire, guessing at the answers because you likely don't know the answer to most of the questions.) I then went through the guesstionnaire, asking them to grade their own papers, and using it as the basis for a short lesson about the history of BI. I think people enjoyed it and learned quite a bit about our history.

My oldest nephew and his wife are expecting their first baby. Sarah will be induced on Saturday if she doesn't go into labor before then. Please pray for a safe delivery for her and for a healthy baby. If everything goes as expected, this will be my seventh great-niece. I also have two great-nephews.

I'll try to post again soon if I don't get covered by the white stuff. (It's pretty bad when the news is about what to do with the snow. Suburbs are having trouble knowing where to put all the snow that has fallen since it is producing traffic hazards at the edges of drives, streets, and parking lots, etc.)

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