Saturday, April 26, 2008

This Week in Southwest Michigan

This week has been a good one! The weather has been lovely--unreal for Michigan. We've had day after day with temperatures in the 70s, which is unheard of for this time of year in our part of the world. Yesterday hit a high of 83 degrees. All the trees have begun to bud or flower. My new little Bradford pear tree is just giving it its all, pushing blossoms out on almost every branch.

But this is all to come to a screeching halt tonight. By tomorrow morning, we are to be back in the 30s, and the meteorologists are telling us to expect snow on Monday. Yes, that's right--snow! That will be hard to take after the weather we've had the last two weeks. I suspect that if we do see snow, its appearance will be short-lived.

At work I've done a lot of research for the history project this week. I've had some good interviews, two of them in person and one over the telephone. I'm beginning to gather some good information and some interesting stories, but I've barely begun to scratch the surface. At the rate I'm going, I may get through all the historical documents some time in the next ten years. Well, I might be kidding; but really, I've only seen the tip of the iceberg.

One of my great nieces has a birthday tomorrow. Happy birthday, Sophie! I hope you'll have a good one. I wish I could be there.

I continue to depend on your prayers. Without them, my work would be a failure.

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