Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Current Status of the History Book

My Indiana helpers, Cal and Bobbi Biddle, left to go back home yesterday afternoon. Thank the Lord with me for their help. It was so good to have them here working with me. We got a huge amount done. But there remains a huge amount to do.

When I left yesterday afternoon, I felt like I had completed the first 2 1/2 years. When I got back to the office today, I found so much good material that needed to be included that I worked five more hours to get through it. I'm concerned that I may forget some major event or some key player. Pray for me, please. Pray for good health. Pray for a clear mind to recall things that need to be included. Pray that I'll remember all key players. Pray that the Lord will be glorified through it all. Thanks for being my prayer warriors.

Pray, too, as I go to speak in one of my supporting churches in this area, next Sunday, July 25--Oakfield Baptist Church. I'm not yet sure what I should present there. Pray that it will become clear to me in time that I can prepare adequately.

1 comment:

Cheryl Elmer said...

Hey, Elaine. I am so proud of my coworker. What an excellent researcher you are. I am thrilled that you have begun to write the chapters. We are praying for you. I have loved the pictures you include.